ITF Group has closed a very successful 2022

We are excited to share with you the great news from ITF Group. The company has had a very successful year, ending on December 31, 2022, with a significant increase in loan origination volumes. ITF group achieved this by introducing new features to its existing products, automating operating processes, and boosting disbursements to new and repeat clients.

ITF Group’s profit for 2022 has increased five times compared to the previous year, with preliminary unaudited data showing a profit of € 561 K and revenue of € 5 432 K, a 75% increase from last year.

Not only has ITF Group shown impressive financial results, but 2022 was also an important year for the company in terms of reputation. The successful initial public offering (IPO) has raised €1,5M in fresh capital, proving that investors trust ITF and providing a solid base for the company’s future strategic development.

Investors on Income have invested over €2M in ITF Groups loans, and we look forward to continued success with our cooperation.  

Invest in loans originated by ITF Group and earn up to 15% p.a.

The first platform with secured investments in loans with a yield of up to 15% annually.
