Income Platform Successfully Passes Cyber Security Penetration Test with No Critical Issues Found

We are pleased to announce that the Income platform has successfully passed a comprehensive cyber security penetration test conducted by Cybertex Security. This rigorous assessment, carried out remotely from June 12 to June 21, 2024, aimed to identify any vulnerabilities or configuration weaknesses that could potentially lead to unauthorised access or data theft. 

About the Test

The project’s primary objective was to ensure the security of the Income web application by identifying any weaknesses that could be exploited by malicious actors. The assessment involved thoroughly analysing the platform’s security measures, aiming to discover vulnerabilities and provide recommendations to bolster the application’s defences.

Key Findings and Recommendations

We are delighted to report that the penetration test did not uncover any critical issues. This result underscores the robust security measures that are already in place to protect our users’ data and maintain the integrity of the Income platform. However, the report did include some important recommendations to enhance our security posture further. One significant suggestion was the implementation of two-factor authentication (2FA) to provide an additional layer of security for our users.

Ongoing Commitment to Security

While the penetration test results are valid as of now, it is essential to recognise that the cyber security landscape is continually evolving. New vulnerabilities can emerge over time, and the effectiveness of security measures must be regularly reviewed and updated. We are committed to continuously monitoring and improving our security protocols to ensure that the Income platform remains a safe and secure environment for all our users.

The successful completion of the cyber security penetration test with no critical issues found is a testament to the strong security measures we have in place at Income. We extend our gratitude to Cybertex Security for their thorough and professional assessment. Our users can continue to have confidence in the safety of their data on the Income platform as we remain vigilant and proactive in our approach to cyber security.

Stay tuned for more updates as we implement these enhancements and continue to prioritise our community’s security and trust.

Thank you for your continued trust and support.
