Income Listed on P2PMarketData

Income now on P2PMarketData

From January 2021 onwards you can find Income´s volumes on P2PMarketdata alongside over 90 different platforms, such as Zopa, Mintos, Funding Circle, Prosper, Lending Cycle and many others. The data listed on the site comes from the platforms and is validated by P2P Marketdata before publishing.  

P2PMarketData has been around since late 2018 and is working on improving the transparency and data availability in the market of alternative investing. Today the platform displays platforms worldwide in the areas of Peer-to-Peer Lending, Real estate Crowdfunding, Online Marketplace Lending and Startup Equity Crowdfunding. For the platforms being listed it means that their data is being published to the public through a third-party source and they gain visibility, while the users can track the development of platforms, compare them to the general market and see the market development month by month. In the last 90 days the featured platforms have reported 2.351m€ of volume with all time reported volume at approximately 100.914m€.

Before listing P2PMarketdata also interviewed our Founder and CEO Kimmo Rytkönen about Income and its future plans. You can read the full interview here:

See our volumes in real time: or you can visit P2PMarketData: to see how our monthly volumes compare with other platforms. 

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