Update on Vivus MX: Repayment Completed and Future Plans

We bring you a positive update regarding the recent challenges with Vivus MX that we shared with you on December 4th regarding transfers to Income.

As of today, we are pleased to inform you that Vivus MX has successfully sent the full amount owed, along with the accumulated interest of € 571 834.49. We appreciate your patience and understanding during this period and are committed to ensuring the smoothest experience for our valued investors.

Moving forward with Vivus MX, we recognise the importance of ensuring LOs always have several ways to deal with money transfers to avoid such delays.  Now that the problems have been solved in good faith and trust with Vivus management, we will continue our discussions with them on a direct listing structure of their Mexican loans. 

We appreciate your trust in Income and remain dedicated to providing you with the best possible investment experience.


Income and Vivus MX have decided to finalise their collaboration because they have been unable to reach an agreement on how to proceed.
